Environmental Quality and Waste Management at OSU

Presentation: Changes to the EPA CAFO Regulations

When Nov 21, 2008
from 01:30 PM to 03:30 PM
Where webcast
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Friday November 21, 2008 webcast on “Changes to the EPA CAFO Regulations” -- The presenters are George Utting and Paul Shriner, US EPA. They will discuss the newly-signed regulations and the implications for livestock and poultry producers. The presentation will begin at 2:30 pm (eastern); 1:30 pm (central); 12:30 pm (mountain) and 11:30 am (pacific). More information about this webcast is at: http://pubwiki.extension.org/mediawiki/files/c/c9/08novflyer.pdf.  

On the day of the webcast, you can access the virtual meeting room by visiting http://www.extension.org/pages/Live_Webcast_Information and following the links on that page.

If you are unable to participate in a live webcast, you can access the archived version at: http://www.extension.org/pages/Archived_Webcasts%2C_Livestock_and_Poultry_Environmental_Learning_Center

First-time webcast viewers can visit the following page to ensure access to the webcast system. http://www.extension.org/pages/How_Do_I_Participate_in_a_Webcast%3F.

A schedule of future webcast presentations is available at: http://www.extension.org/pages/Upcoming_Webcasts

We hope you are able to join us Friday!

Jill Heemstra University of Nebraska

Rick Koelsch, University of Nebraska

Joe Harrison Washington State University

Mark Risse, University of Georgia

Visit the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center at http://www.extension.org/animal+manure+management  

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