Environmental Quality and Waste Management at OSU

Ordure Luncheon Seminar Series

When Jan 27, 2010
from 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM
Where room 374 AG Hall, Stillwater OSU campus
Contact Name
Contact Phone (405) 744-7089
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Dear Colleagues,


The first Ordure Luncheon of the Spring Semester will be next Wednesday, January 27.


As usual, we gather at 12:00 for lunch; the program starts around 12:30.


Michael Buser, a brand new assistant professor in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, will be giving this month’s presentation on his experiences working with the “National Cotton Gin Particulate Matter Sampling Campaign”.  Mike will tell us about the automated sampling system he developed while working for USDA-ARS, and the modeling of dust and particles downwind of cotton gins.


For those on campus, we will be back in the old room – 374 Ag Hall


Those of you who would like to join in via internet can get the live feed at: http://intranet.okstate.edu/webcast.


Log in should be available about 11:45 to test microphone, etc.  Keep trying if you don’t get on early.  If you haven’t run this system before you might what to run the test a day or so before hand.  We had at least viewer last week waiting all seminar to down load the necessary software.


See you in 374,


Doug Hamilton

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